The Lactation Network Education

Antenatal breastfeeding preparation

The Lactation Network provides evidence-based, contemporary breastfeeding advice and education in the antenatal period. These sessions are designed to provide both you and your partner the information you need to ensure the best possible start to your breastfeeding journey.

Sessions typically cover the following topics

  • Breast changes in pregnancy,
  • Antenatal care & preparation for feeding
  • How your body produces breastmilk
  • Skin-to-skin contact with your baby & their first breastfeed
  • Positioning your baby at the breast to optimise the best latch
  • What to expect in the first few days after your baby is born
  • Expressing and storing your breastmilk
  • Common problems that may occur in the early weeks
  • Medications & dietary intake
  • Community support available in your area

Plenty of time is allocated so that you and your partner can comfortably ask questions and discover how your body works to provide your infant with all their nutritional and emotional requirements.

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